Nationally Determined Contributions

Overview: The NDC for AFG is an Business as usual commitment that includes Targets in 2 or 3 sectors (forestry; agriculture; ecosystem management) and is estimated to cost in the range of 6,62 billion US$.

Overview: The NDC for AGO is an not submitted commitment that includes not submitted and is estimated to cost in the range of not submitted.

Overview: The NDC for ALB is an Business as usual commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for AND is an Business as usual commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for ARE is an Policies and Actions (Adaptation with mitigation co-benefits) commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for ARG is an Business as usual commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for ARM is an Absolute target: GHG emissions neutral by 2050 (conditional) commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for ATG is an Policies and Actions commitment that includes Targets in 2 or 3 sectors (water management; energy; infrastructure) and is estimated to cost in the range of 0,22 billion US$.

Overview: The NDC for AUS is an Absolute target: (26-28)% GHG emissions reduction compared to 2005 by 2030 commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for AZE is an Absolute target: 35% GHG emissions reduction compared to 1990 by 2030 commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for BDI is an Business as usual commitment that includes Target in 1 sector (forestry) and is estimated to cost in the range of 1,450618 billion US$.

Overview: The NDC for BEN is an Business as usual (Policies and Actions) commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of 12,13 billion US$.

Overview: The NDC for BFA is an Business as usual commitment that includes Targets in more than 3 sectors (water management; forestry; agriculture; housing) and is estimated to cost in the range of 1,88081193 billion US$.

Overview: The NDC for BGD is an Business as usual commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of 27 billion US$.

Overview: The NDC for BHR is an Policies and Actions commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for BHS is an Business as usual commitment that includes Target in 1 sector (biodiversity) and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for BIH is an Business as usual commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for BLR is an Absolute target: 28% GHG emissions reduction compared to 1990 by 2030 commitment that includes Target in 1 sector (forestry) and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for BLZ is an Policies and actions commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of 0,168 billion US$.

Overview: The NDC for BOL is an Adaptation with mitigation co-benefits commitment that includes Targets in 2 or 3 sectors (water management; energy) and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for BRA is an Absolute target: 36% GHG emissions reduction compared to 2005 by 2025, 43% by 2030 (indicative) commitment that includes Targets in 2 or 3 sectors (forestry; energy) and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for BRB is an Business as usual commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for BRN is an not submitted commitment that includes not submitted and is estimated to cost in the range of not submitted.

Overview: The NDC for BTN is an Policies and Actions commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for BWA is an Absolute target: 15% GHG emissions reduction compared to 2010 by 2030 (conditional) commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of 18,4 billion US$.

Overview: The NDC for CAF is an Business as usual commitment that includes Targets in 2 or 3 sectors (agriculture; food security) and is estimated to cost in the range of 2,248 billion US$.

Overview: The NDC for CAN is an Absolute target: 30% GHG emissions reduction compared to 2005 by 2030 commitment that includes Not mentioned and is estimated to cost in the range of 24,3 billion $ (and an additional $21.9 billion for both mitigation and adaptation.

Overview: The NDC for CHE is an Absolute target: 50% GHG emissions reduction compared to 1990 by 2030 commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for CHL is an Intensity target commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for CHN is an Intensity target (Peaking target) commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for CIV is an Business as usual (Policies and Actions) commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of 19,108 billion US$.

Overview: The NDC for CMR is an Absolute target: 32% GHG emissions reduction compared to 2010 by 2035 (conditional) commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of 39,171333 billion US$.

Overview: The NDC for COD is an Business as usual commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of 13 billion US$.

Overview: The NDC for COG is an Business as usual commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for COK is an Absolute target: 38% GHG emissions reduction from electricity generation compared to 2006 by 2020 commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for COL is an Business as usual commitment that includes Target in 1 sector (ecosystem management) and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for COM is an Business as usual commitment that includes Targets in 2 or 3 sectors (water management; agriculture; housing) and is estimated to cost in the range of 0,375 billion US$.

Overview: The NDC for CPV is an Policies and Actions commitment that includes Targets in 2 or 3 sectors (water management; infrastructure) and is estimated to cost in the range of 0,8 billion US$.

Overview: The NDC for CRI is an Absolute target: maximum net emissions limited to 9,374,000 tons CO2eq by 2030. commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for CUB is an Business as usual commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of 4 billion US$.

Overview: The NDC for DJI is an Business as usual commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of 5,5 billion US$.

Overview: The NDC for DMA is an Absolute target: 17.9% GHG emissions reduction compared to 2014 by 2020, 39.2% by 2025, 44.7% by 2030 (all conditional) commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of 0,099 billion US$.

Overview: The NDC for DOM is an Absolute target: 25% GHG emissions reduction compared to 2010 by 2030 (conditional) commitment that includes Target in 1 sector (forestry) and is estimated to cost in the range of 17 billion US$.

Overview: The NDC for DZA is an Business as usual commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for ECU is an Business as usual commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for EGY is an Policies and Actions commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for ERI is an Business as usual: 12.6% unconditional reduction by 2030; 38.5% reduction in the conditional scenario commitment that includes Targets in more than 3 sectors: agriculture, water, forestry, health, fisheries, ecosystem/biodiversity and is estimated to cost in the range of 4,681 billion US$.

Overview: The NDC for ETH is an Business as usual commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of 150 billion US$.

Overview: The NDC for EU is an Absolute target: minimum 40% domestic GHG emissions reduction compared to 1990 by 2030 commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for FJI is an Business as usual commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for FSM is an Absolute target: 28% GHG emissions reduction compared to 2000 by 2025, 35% by 2025 (conditional) commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for GAB is an Business as usual commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for GEO is an Business as usual commitment that includes Target in 1 sector (forestry) and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for GHA is an Business as usual commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of 9,81 billion US$.

Overview: The NDC for GIN is an Business as usual commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of 8,179 billion US$.

Overview: The NDC for GMB is an Policies and Actions commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for GNB is an Policies and Actions commitment that includes Targets in 2 or 3 sectors (forestry; energy) and is estimated to cost in the range of 0,7 billion US$.

Overview: The NDC for GNQ is an Absolute target: 20% GHG emissions reduction compared to 2010 in 2030, 50% by 2050 (all conditional) commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of 3,6733 billion US$.

Overview: The NDC for GRD is an Business as usual commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of 0,16143 billion US$.

Overview: The NDC for GTM is an Business as usual commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for GUY is an Policies and Actions commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for HND is an Business as usual commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for HTI is an Business as usual commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of 8,773 billion US$.

Overview: The NDC for IDN is an Business as usual commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for IND is an Intensity target commitment that includes Targets in 2 or 3 sectors (water management; forestry; public health) and is estimated to cost in the range of 834 billion US$.

Overview: The NDC for IRN is an not submitted commitment that includes not submitted and is estimated to cost in the range of not submitted.

Overview: The NDC for IRQ is an not submitted commitment that includes not submitted and is estimated to cost in the range of not submitted.

Overview: The NDC for ISL is an Absolute target: 40% GHG emissions reduction compared to 1990 by 2030 commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for ISR is an Intensity target commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for JAM is an Business as usual commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for JOR is an Business as usual commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of 5,7 billion US$.

Overview: The NDC for JPN is an Absolute target: 26% GHG emissions reduction compared to 2013 by 2030 commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for KAZ is an Absolute target: 15% GHG emissions reduction compared to 1990 by 2030, 25% by 2030 (conditional) commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for KEN is an Business as usual commitment that includes Target in 1 sector (economy) and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for KGZ is an Business as usual commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of 1,96 billion US$.

Overview: The NDC for KHM is an Business as usual commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for KIR is an Business as usual commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of 0,00218947 billion US$.

Overview: The NDC for KNA is an Business as usual commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for KOR is an Business as usual commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for KWT is an Policies and Actions commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for LAO is an Policies and Actions commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of 1,4 billion US$.

Overview: The NDC for LBN is an not submitted commitment that includes not submitted and is estimated to cost in the range of not submitted.

Overview: The NDC for LBR is an Business as usual commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for LBY is an not submitted commitment that includes not submitted and is estimated to cost in the range of not submitted.

Overview: The NDC for LCA is an Business as usual commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of 0,241 billion US$.

Overview: The NDC for LIE is an Absolute target: 40% GHG emissions reduction compared to 1990 by 2030 commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for LKA is an Business as usual commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for LSO is an Business as usual commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of 1,2 billion US$.

Overview: The NDC for MAR is an Business as usual commitment that includes Targets in more than 3 sectors (Agriculture, water, fisheries, forests) and is estimated to cost in the range of 50 billion US$.

Overview: The NDC for MCO is an Absolute target: 50% GHG emissions reduction compared to 1990 by 2030 commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for MDA is an Absolute target: (64-67)% GHG emissions reduction compared to 1990 by 2030, 78% by 2030 (conditional) commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of 4,9 billion US$.

Overview: The NDC for MDG is an Business as usual (Adaptation with mitigation co-benefits) commitment that includes Targets in more than 3 sectors (forestry; agriculture; coastal protection; public health) and is estimated to cost in the range of 6,37 billion US$.

Overview: The NDC for MDV is an Business as usual commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for MEX is an Business as usual (Peaking target) commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for MHL is an Absolute target (Adaptation with mitigation co-benefits): 32% GHG emissions reduction compared to 2010 by 2025, 45% by 2030 commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for MKD is an Business as usual commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of 4,942 billion US$ (higher ambition mitigation scenario).

Overview: The NDC for MLI is an Business as usual commitment that includes Targets in more than 3 sectors (water management; forestry; agriculture; energy) and is estimated to cost in the range of 34,68 billion US$.

Overview: The NDC for MMR is an Policies and Actions commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for MNE is an Absolute target: 30% GHG emissions reduction compared to 1990 by 2030 commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for MNG is an Business as usual (Adaptation with mitigation co-benefits) commitment that includes Targets in more than 3 sectors (water management; forestry; agriculture; ecosystem management) and is estimated to cost in the range of 3,5 billion US$.

Overview: The NDC for MOZ is an Policies and Actions commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for MRT is an Business as usual commitment that includes Targets in 2 or 3 sectors (water management; agriculture; public health) and is estimated to cost in the range of 9,3 billion US$.

Overview: The NDC for MUS is an Business as usual commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of 1,5 billion US$.

Overview: The NDC for MWI is an Policies and Actions commitment that includes Target in 1 sector (agriculture) and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for MYS is an Intensity target commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for NAM is an Business as usual commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of 10,4 billion US$.

Overview: The NDC for NER is an Business as usual commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of 7,06 billion US$.

Overview: The NDC for NGA is an Business as usual (Peaking target) commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for NIC is an Policies and Actions: renewable energy, land use and land use change commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of (partial) costs not indicated.

Overview: The NDC for NIU is an Policies and Actions commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of 0,01047 billion US$.

Overview: The NDC for NOR is an Absolute target: 40% GHG emissions reduction compared to 1990 by 2030 commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for NPL is an Policies and Actions commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for NRU is an Policies and Actions (Adaptation with mitigation co-benefits) commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of 0,055 billion US$.

Overview: The NDC for NZL is an Absolute: 30% GHG emissions reduction compared to 2005 by 2030 commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for OMN is an Business as usual commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for PAK is an Peaking target (beyond 2030) commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of 40 billion US$.

Overview: The NDC for PAN is an Policies and Actions commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of 4,457 billion US$.

Overview: The NDC for PER is an Business as usual commitment that includes Target in 1 sector (coastal protection) and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for PHL is an not submitted commitment that includes not submitted and is estimated to cost in the range of not submitted.

Overview: The NDC for PLW is an Business as usual commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for PNG is an Policies and Actions commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for PRK is an Business as usual commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for PRY is an Business as usual commitment that includes Target in 1 sector (water management) and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for PSE is an Business as usual (-12.8% by 2040; -24.4% by 2040 when Palestine under 'independence' scenario) commitment that includes Targets in 2 or 3 sectors (agriculture, water management; ecosystem management) and is estimated to cost in the range of 10,6 billion US$.

Overview: The NDC for QAT is an Policies and Actions (Adaptation with mitigation co-benefits) commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for RUS is an not submitted commitment that includes not submitted and is estimated to cost in the range of not submitted.

Overview: The NDC for RWA is an Policies and Actions (Adaptation with mitigation co-benefits) commitment that includes Targets in more than 3 sectors (water management; forestry; agriculture; housing; tourism) and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for SAU is an Policies and Actions (Adaptation with mitigation co-benefits) commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for SDN is an Policies and Actions commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of 11,68 billion US$.

Overview: The NDC for SEN is an not submitted commitment that includes not submitted and is estimated to cost in the range of not submitted.

Overview: The NDC for SGP is an Intensity target commitment that includes Target in 1 sector (water management) and is estimated to cost in the range of 0,1627 billion US$.

Overview: The NDC for SLB is an Business as usual commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for SLE is an Policies and Actions commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of 0,9 billion US$.

Overview: The NDC for SLV is an Policies and Actions (Adaptation with mitigation co-benefits) commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for SMR is an Absolute target: 20% GHG emissions reduction compared to 2005 by 2030 commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for SOM is an Policies and Actions commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of 1380,5 billion US$.

Overview: The NDC for SRB is an Absolute target: 9.8% GHG emissions reduction compared to 1990 by 2030 commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for SSD is an not submitted commitment that includes not submitted and is estimated to cost in the range of not submitted.

Overview: The NDC for STP is an Business as usual commitment that includes Targets in 2 or 3 sectors (forestry; fisheries) and is estimated to cost in the range of 0,059 billion US$.

Overview: The NDC for SUR is an Policies and Actions commitment that includes Target in 1 sector (housing) and is estimated to cost in the range of 2,492 billion US$.

Overview: The NDC for SWZ is an Policies and Actions commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for SYC is an Business as usual commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for SYR is an Policies and Actions commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of (partial) costs not indicated.

Overview: The NDC for TCD is an Business as usual commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of 7,1 billion US$.

Overview: The NDC for TGO is an Business as usual (Adaptation with mitigation co-benefits) commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of 1,1 billion US$.

Overview: The NDC for THA is an Business as usual (Policies and Actions) commitment that includes Target in 1 sector (forestry) and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for TJK is an Absolute target: limiting GHG emissions to (80-90)% of 1990 levels by 2030, (65-75)% by 2030 (conditional) commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for TKM is an Policies and Actions commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for TLS is an Policies and Actions commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for TON is an Policies and Actions commitment that includes Target in 1 sector (biodiversity) and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for TTO is an Business as usual commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of 2 billion US$.

Overview: The NDC for TUN is an Intensity target commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of 17,422 billion US$.

Overview: The NDC for TUR is an not submitted commitment that includes not submitted and is estimated to cost in the range of not submitted.

Overview: The NDC for TUV is an Absolute target: zero carbon development pathway by 2050 commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of 0,0376017 billion US$.

Overview: The NDC for TZA is an Business as usual commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of 60 billion US$.

Overview: The NDC for UGA is an Business as usual commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of 5,436 billion US$.

Overview: The NDC for UKR is an Absolute target: limiting GHG emissions to 60% of 1990 levels by 2030 (conditional) commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for URY is an Intensity target commitment that includes Elaborated on actions/plans/strategies4 and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for USA is an Absolute target: (26-28)% GHG emissions reduction compared to 2005 by 2025 commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for UZB is an Intensity target (decrease specific emissions of GHG per unit of GDP by 10% by 2030 compared to 2010) commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for VCT is an Business as usual commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for VEN is an Business as usual commitment that includes Target in 1 sector (housing) and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for VNM is an Business as usual commitment that includes Targets in more than 3 sectors (water management; forestry; public health; fisheries; economy; natural disasters) and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for VUT is an Business as usual commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of 0,4297 billion US$.

Overview: The NDC for WSM is an Policies and Actions commitment that includes Target in 1 sector (energy) and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for YEM is an not submitted commitment that includes not submitted and is estimated to cost in the range of not submitted.

Overview: The NDC for ZAF is an Peaking target commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of no (partial) costs mentioned.

Overview: The NDC for ZMB is an Business as usual commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of 35 billion US$.

Overview: The NDC for ZWE is an Business as usual commitment that includes No quantitative adaptation target and is estimated to cost in the range of 7,246 billion US$.